Thanks Greg, I was a little skeptical at first, because there are so many books about making more money, but I have to admit, You Hit A Home Run with 501 Contractor Tips. I'm using it like you suggested along with the videos and can honestly say that business is booming.

From Another Happy Contractor
"Put Your Construction Company On The Right Path Toward Financial Freedom And Develop The Essential Mindset You Need to Attract New Clients Who Want To Pay You More Money!"
Why Should You Repeat The Same Mistakes I Made Years Ago?

I would've paid five hundred dollars or more for the information inside this book when I started. Heck, I probably would've paid $1000 for the information inside this book, ten or fifteen years into my career.

Education is the key to success my friend, so let's get started on your journey towards a better life as a successful contractor money making machine and personal development junkie!
When I first started, I had problems dealing with clients and other contractors.

After that, I had problems getting paid on time or getting paid period. Then I had to deal with the ultimate problem, either too much or not enough work. The challenges were often over whelming and I can't tell you how many times... I wanted to quit.
I Couldn’t Ever Make Enough Money
  You’ve got to learn to work smart and not hard.
The Long Hours Were Killing Me
  I thought this was the only way.
Other Contractors Took Advantage Of Me
  I developed better negotiating skills.
I Had Problems Dealing with Clients
  I started studying human behavior and psychology.
I Rarely Had Enough Money To Carry the Project
  I learned more about credit and financing.
I Rarely Estimated Enough Hours
  I started tracking my time.
This Book Will Provide You With The Tools You Need
To Create A Successful Construction Business.

Create Prosperous Pricing Strategies
Help Customers
Reduce Stress
Get Paid on Time
Save Money
Reduce Tax Burdens
Reduce Material Waste
Improve Productivity
Generate More Clients
Become a Better Estimator
Work Less and Make More Money
Click Here To Purchase
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29.95 U.S.
Contractor Tips Book
501 Contractor Tips
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